Monday, 17 August 2020

Implant Overdenture- A New Way Of Retaining The Beauty Of Your Teeth

In earlier days, there was hardly any solution to repair any broken tooth or missing pieces. People used to face several problems because of these issues and hence, they were always scared of visiting a dentist and removing the aching tooth. But, now, in this 21st century of medical advancements, there is no need to be scared of the dentists. 

With the introduction of the knowledge of prosthetics, dental medicine has reached great heights. And now, one of the best ways to experience these new advancements is by going for the procedure of implanting overdentures. 

But, do you know everything about these implant overdenture replacements? If no, then it’s better to study about these overdentures rather than straightaway jumping to the decisions. 

So, Here Is A Brief Discussion About These Dental Implants That Are Making More And More Popular.

Implant Overdenture
Implant Overdenture

What Are Implant Overdentures? 

There are many forms of dental implants the dentists refer to. These implant types are suggested for different types of dental problems. However, there is this one particular type of implant that has become a dentist’s favorite over the past few months. 

The use of prosthetics designs has helped the doctors to introduce a new, resilient, and cheaper solution to the uneven or broken dental arcade. This is known as the implant overdenture. Just from the name, you can understand that these dentures are fitted on top of the teeth or the empty compartment. The dentures are loosely placed till it fits in perfectly and then they are attached firmly with the gum using implants. 

The overdentures can be used to replace the teeth in both the upper and the lower jaw. As a result, this particular type of implant has become more flexible and versatile for doctors. 

Why Are Overdentures Better Than Normal Dental Implants? 

Implant Overdenture
Implant Overdenture

Now, since dentures came first and then the implant overdenture, your conscience will always put forth the question:

“Why the earlier dentures are not as preferred as the overdentures?” We aren’t saying that asking this particular question is bad. But yes, before you jump into any conclusion, we think you should know about the benefits of the overdentures over the normal ones. 

  • With normal loosely fixed dentures, there is always a fear of breaking the implant while eating anything hard or while cracking something open with teeth. Your tooth gets more stability that will help in developing confidence in carrying yourself talking and eating.
  • Since the overdentures are firm and durable, they help your buccal cavity to work on the food. This, the implants improve the chewing function of the teeth, thereby breaking the food into a soft bolus which improves digestion.
  • The implant overdenture replacements are far better than the normal dentures because the former can stay intact for several years. Despite being exposed to wear and tear, there is no need to run to a dentist every two or three years to replace unless required.
  • Normal dentures are quite hard to remove and hence the dentists have stopped preferring the use of the implant. But with overdentures, the removal process is swifter and easier. Hence, these are much preferred, thanks to its convenience of usage and maintenance.
  • Since these are made from prosthetics, customizing the overdentures is easy and more accurate.

Is The Process Really Costly To Even Try For It? 

Lastly, we will be discussing the overall budget plan of the implant overdenture. Indeed the entire procedure is costly than other implantation. However, it is more of profitable investment in the long run since you won’t have to replace it periodically. 

There is still a lot to know about these amazing implant over-dentures prosthetics. So, before you book an appointment for the procedure, make sure you are well aware of both the cons and pros of the implant.

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