Monday, 18 June 2018

Things to Keep in Mind while Building a Backyard Bungalow

No one will deny the fact that we love our house a lot. Home what we call is a piece of heaven for us. Many times, it can happen that we are just getting no enough space for ourselves and want a space which is not far from our own house, but a space which can give you peace and at times “me time” to its dwellers. These issues can be solved and that to in your own backyard. The simple answer is Backyard Bungalow or popularly known as Granny Flats. Backyard Bungalow is nothing, but a small house built in your own backyard. If your backyard is big enough to have space for a small construction to carry out than, you are good to go for building your own backyard bungalow. This concept is gaining momentum as the construction you create has all the modern amenities like your modern house. These bungalows can used as an office, as reading room, as a collection room or you can just rent it out to earn some extra bucks. This concept is also giving some affordable housing solutions to the people who can’t pay high rent.

Backyard Bungalows


When building a Backyard Bungalow, allowing for comfort is important. It should be built in such a way that there is comfort in the living space and thus it can be habitable at our latter stage of life. In the design and build process, maintain a theme of open space living and try not to force too much in other than the essentials of a kitchen and bathroom, as well as adequate enough space for a bedroom. Make sure that there are less corners, as more number of corners can affect your comfort and living inside can become somewhat clumsy.


It’s a very popular feature in homes and even contemporary Backyard Bungalow; glass walls and windows. While these elements provide many benefits and can be aesthetically pleasing, there are a few things to consider when contemplating installing them in the makeup of your granny flat. If you are thinking about renting your backyard bungalow, it will happen that the tenants will need their own privacy and windows can hinder that, so while designing your backyard bungalow make sure that you think well about the privacy inside the that attached property.

Backyard Bungalows
Backyard Bungalows

Storage Space:

One of the many great advantages of backyard bungalow is that it can be used as a storage space to store some goods of the house. Thus, while designing a backyard bungalow make sure that you make some space for storage and the best place to make that space is in the ceiling and under the floor. By doing so, there is no hindrance in the living area of the bungalow. Catering to this notion when building a backyard bungalow means more room and less clutter in your main house.

Simple Approach:

Backyard Bungalows are not big in size. So, having a simple approach while building it is necessary. The key then becomes integrating an approach that helps highlight and enhance the restricted space. Through employing a few notions of minimalism, you can ensure the space within your Backyard Bungalow appear bigger than it really is. This creates a greater living environment and improves the mood and atmosphere of the space as well. It also helps increase the chance of attracting renters or meaning any time spent living in their yourself is no dampener for when comparing to the space of your usual habitat.



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