Sunday, 17 June 2018

Different Measures Taken as Part of Effective Height Safety Solutions

Many people risk their lives daily as they need to work at great heights. This mainly happens in the construction industry where the labourers lift heavy building materials with cranes or lifters to construct the higher storeys of the high-rise buildings. However, the construction works at such heights always involve high risks as well and even fatal accidents may occur at times. So the construction companies now prefer to adopt various height safety solutions to save the lives of their workers. Nowadays, lots of precautionary measures and safety tools are available for ensuring the security of the people who need to risk their lives on top heights.

Height Safety Solutions

Various Height Safety Solutions Adopted for Working on Heights

  • Safety harness – It is vital safety equipment that is firmly attached to the body of the user and connected with metal cables or thick ropes to a fixed or non-stationary anchoring point. It prevents the fall of the person to the ground, as the attached strings keep him safely anchored to the strong fixed point on the top level. Some safety harnesses also come with jackets that help in keeping the users warm during winters and make the attachment of harness more secure to his body.
  • Retracting fall arrester – This equipment is known as important height safety solutions and is a type of harness that pulls up the user from a fall and arrests the motion while falling down from a height. Hence, the life of workers can be saved by attaching this equipment to their body, which remains connected to a fixed and sturdy anchorage.
  • Guarding rails – The guard rails of a certain height should be installed around the working sites on high locations. This prevents the accidental fall of the workers from that place. Nowadays, prefabricated fixed or portable rails are available from reputed companies manufacturing height safety solutions.  Strong wooden rails can also be created onsite by the carpenters working with the construction companies, but that is a time-consuming task and may even delay the progress of the project.
  • Rescue safety kits – Some companies offer well-tailored kits for height safety solutions, which consist of a harness and strong anchorage line of suitable length.  This anchor line can be adjusted according to the convenience of the user. There is also a shock absorber given to prevent any shock-related injury during a sudden fall. There is special attachment straps used for attaching the harness to the user. These types of kits are available as portable storage bags that workers can carry up to their high working stations.
  • Heavy haul kits – This height safety solutions kit contains a dispensable anchor that should be fixed very close to the spot where the user is working. It is mechanically more effective in the faster rescue of the falling person, as the kit components are always ready for instant use. The anchoring rope or string is quite lightweight, sturdy and the haul kit is mounted on ball bearings making it more efficient. The ends of this haul cover are painted in bright colours for making it distinct. These anchoring ropes are available in a number of reasonable lengths.
Thus, it is necessary to choose the correct type of height safety solutions, according to the working height of the workers, the type of construction work going on that floor and the convenience of the users. The size of the user must be kept in mind when choosing the best fall arrest system so that it fits perfectly around his body. This way the workers can be saved from miserable accidents. They can either take their personal safety kits or employer company can also set up the same at construction site.



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