Thursday 6 August 2020

Be The Expert In Picking Your Concrete Mix!

 In the world of construction, concrete mix is not just about proportions, but design as well. Whether you want to put up a fence or fill your driveway or do any other repair job in your building using cement, you need the appropriate mix that can solve your purpose easily. Getting to know your mixture could appear daunting and many questions arise. However, with some simplified concepts, you can make the right decisions and have a hassle-free experience with your choice.

What Goes Into The Mix?

Each application calls for different nature of the concrete mixture. Say, sidewalks are going to get busy sooner than a fence or patio. Hence, you need the setting of the path to be faster and completed in suitable weather conditions. The mixture is a blend of Portland or Blended cement, water, and other aggregates going into it. While you must control the amounts, you must also bear in mind the weather and time of the day.

Different Projects, Different Mixtures

Mixing your concrete and putting it to use is an option. However, if you want to cut the chase, here are some pre-mixed mixtures you should know. Pick the right one to fit your bill

  • Fast-Setting: It uses fast-setting cement that sets in about 20-40 minutes. Need to get the sidewalk or driveway ready quickly - this one is your pick.
  • High-Strength: This mixture provides the heavy-duty construction needed for foundations and footers. Typically, it requires over 10 hours to set and incorporates additives.
  • Crack-Resistant Cement: If the mixture if going into pathways or patios, you need it to be durable. Crack-resistant cement keeps away the possibilities of cracking and drying of common areas. 

Different vendors market several variations with minor tweaks to these standard mixtures. Get your mind around the options by identifying your application needs, and some knowledge of the components could help.

The Usual Suspects

The strength, hardening, and durability of the concrete mixture are of paramount importance. For a suitable combination, we can manipulate the proportions of the components it contains.


  • Cement – There are different types of cement available in Australia. General Purpose Portland Cement and Blended Cement are the most popular choices. For instance, Blended Cement is Portland cement combined with over 5% fly ash, amorphous silica, and ground slag. However, the choice of cement largely determines the properties of the final product.
  • Aggregates – The aggregates going into the mix could be sand, gravel, crushed rock, etc. It is necessary to note that they are rigid and chemically inert. The presence of clay or dirt could weaken the mixture.
  • Water – Cement and water pairs to form an adhesive that holds the aggregates together. The water added must not contain insoluble impurities, acidic or alkaline properties, or any rubbish. Let us say that if the water is drinkable, it is usable. 
  • Admixtures Or Additives – Sometimes, some chemicals or minerals are added to the concrete mixture to enhance its properties. It may aim to improve strength or workability and give us more control over the mix. 

Decisions Beyond Numbers

With the idea of all the ingredients, you need to check the temperature, weather, and surface area as well. When subjected to higher temperatures, the mixture will harden faster. Entrained air can help your mix in areas where the temperature is varying. Also, if your combination requires more fluidity to reach slightly remote spaces, plasticizers can help with that.


If you are looking to get the job done efficiently, dig into the concrete mixtures available to you. However, if you do not have faith in readymade, you can always mix for yourself. Take your time for some essential research on your project needs and the right combination of components to achieve it.


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