Some FAQs on Air Conditioning Answered for You
Modern residential and commercial buildings rely heavily on the air conditioning units for optimum cooling of air in the interiors for their comfort. Today, it is possible to get a completely new and customized system for your office or house, based on your needs and budget.
As investing in an air conditioning system is an important decision, one must consider a number of factors before buying one. If the AC unit is not the right size, you will only end up wasting lots of energy and paying higher electricity bills. The best way to ensure that the air conditioning is just right for your home is possible if you carry a deeper and wider knowledge about the air conditioning equipment. Well, you can raise your knowledge by going through the following most commonly asked questions about air conditioning.

A Handy Guide On Air Conditioning
How Does An Air Conditioning System Work?
There are two separate units in the air conditioning system that work together to provide the ultimate comfort. The unit that is placed outside contains a liquid refrigerant that gets distributed to the coil located indoors in the inside unit. The heat and humidity from the room gets removed as the coolant moves inside and cools the house.
What is the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)?
Clean Air Delivery Rate or CADR is an objective measure of air cleaner technologies and is recognized by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). CADR is the number of cubic feet of clean air that is created by the AC unit each minute.
What Does "SEER" Mean?
SEER is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, and as per the Governmental standards, the SEER of any air conditioning system must be a minimum of 13 SEER. An air conditioning unit with a SEER rating between 15-20 is considered to be highly efficient.
How Often Should Be The Air Conditioning Serviced?
Depending on the system, the location, and usage, any AC unit is recommended to be serviced at least once a year. It is essential to hire a leading air conditioning service company with certifications and experience for the task. Regular care and servicing can keep you away from expensive air conditioning repair and will keep the system running reliably and smoothly.

Why Is There A Need To Add More Refrigerant Each Year To The AC?
Any air conditioning unit that needs frequent recharging of refrigerant every year is most probably leaking and needs repair. It is essential to fix those issues right away as a leaking refrigerant is sure to lower the cooling capacity of the air conditioning equipment and is using more energy, which is not good for the environment.
How Can One Raise The Efficacy Of The Air Conditioning Unit?
The best thing one can do is to start with a regular schedule for maintenance and to service by a professional. In addition to that, one can take certain steps to enhance the life and performance of their air conditioning unit. For example, one can take simple steps like using blinds and shades to keep out heat and ensure that grills and ductwork are not getting blocked, and the airflow paths are clear. Programmable thermostats can be used it lower air conditioning usage.
How Can One Lower Energy Costs When Using Air Conditioning?
Well, with some smart choices, one can certainly lower their electricity bills due to air conditioning. To begin with, one can upgrade to a newer and high-efficiency air conditioning unit. Go for higher ENERGY STAR labelled systems and get an energy audit done to understand your usage needs. The use of programmable thermostats can prevent air conditioning usage when not needed.
There are so many people out there who have myriad of doubts regarding the air conditioning system. In this article, most common FAQs are answered. Hope it helped you.