Sunday, 16 September 2018

Preserving In this Era of Global Warming - Air Conditioners

The extremities of weather conditions owing to pollution and depletion of the ozone layer globally have made living conditions very difficult. The miracles of science and technology have given us many boons to counter these discomforts and air conditioners are surely one amongst them.

These units which were initially considered a luxury are now a bare minimum at homes, offices, schools, vehicles and everywhere one can think of.

Efficient and effective working of an air conditioner like any other electrical appliance depends a great deal on understanding how it works and how it should be maintained and installed.

Air Conditioners
Air Conditioners


An AC works more or less like a refrigeration unit. The main parts being the condenser, compressor, and the evaporator. The entire process of working involves the conversion of gas into liquid and liquid to gas with the help of certain chemicals. The compressor and condenser which is the heart of AC are located outside and the evaporator is inside the house.

During Installation

Just understanding how the air conditioner works are not important. It is often that we experience rising electricity bills and inefficient cooling. These situations can be avoided if following steps are undertaken before getting the unit installed.

  • The first step involves gauging the entire area which needs to be cooled by the air conditioner.
  • Once the area is identified it becomes important to choose between the window and the split AC. The window versions are better in dealing with smaller areas having less height and the split variants come handy when cooling is to be done in bigger areas.
  • If the choice is in favor of a centralized cooling system make sure that no leakages are there in the duct, as this can lead to loss of energy and will escalate the costs.
  • Proper insulation around the unit is a prerequisite if you want maximized cooling.
  • A through check into the energy saving capacities of the unit needs to be considered before zeroing into the same. Air conditioners with 5-star ratings are best in this context.
  • Last but not the least, check the wiring and the meter in your house to be sure that it has the requisite voltage to support the AC of your capacity.
Air Conditioners - Heating System
Air Conditioners - Heating System

Post Installation

Once you have the right unit selected and purchased with proper guarantees from an authorized dealer, keep in check few points. It should be a regular task to check for any discrepancies in working and taking the right corrective step before it gets too late, and the system breaks down completely.

  • A regular service routine of the entire unit which involves cleaning and checking for small issues is essential. Before the problems become a major concern, it should be undertaken with the help of experts every six months.
  • Since summers see an influx in the use of these machines. Right before the season starts a check or may be the change of filter and refill of compressor gas can help in effective cooling and maximum comfort.
  • Like every other piece of machinery, an AC also has a life. If you feel you have overstretched its usage, change it because old units generally waste a lot of power and energy causing unnecessary burden on your pocket.
  • Be vigilant and check for any uncanny sounds in the compressor or any air leakages, this regular check can help in undertaking a stitch in time.
Air conditioners involve a good cost and energy consumption thus it is very important to maintain these units with proper care so that it can serve the purpose for which it is installed to perfection.
Location: Australia

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