Friday, 6 January 2017

How To Prevent Loss Of Soil By Using Sand Bags?

Gardening is a great hobby and one must do it to relieve oneself from stress. Many people who have taken up gardening as a hobby have felt that their stress levels have come down considerably and they feel more relaxed and happy after spending some time among plants and nature. Soil and sand are essential for gardening and when you find lack of soil in your garden, you need to moisturize the new soil pack with some fertilizers and pour them at the root of the trees. 

When one sees something being created or nurtured by them to give results in the form of flowers, fruits or vegetables, they realize their worth and that leads to satisfaction which in itself is very relaxing. But this does not mean that people never face any problem during gardening. 

Garden waste bags
Garden waste bags

Why sand bags are important for gardening?

One of the main problems faced by any gardener is that of loss of soil. Soil is the only medium through which a plant can derive its food and water. There are plants that can do that without any soil too but they are not for growing fruits and vegetables and therefore are out of context. When the plant is watered the soil that is loaded with nutrition for the plants may get washed off. Apart from that due to natural disasters, natural soil basement can be eroded and the upper layer of the garden gets washed off. In this case, you need to structure the wall or the use the sand bags which contain soil and sands.  

Garden bags
Garden bags

What are sand bags?

These are the bags made of either cotton or polypropylene. They are filled with sand or native soil and therefore their name sand bags. These bags are used for various purposes in gardening such as:
  • To create a stable wall: The areas that get flooded will need something that will prevent the soil from getting washed away with flood waters. Also this barricade must allow the excess water to flow out. The sand bags are the most useful for this purpose. They create a permeable wall that is able to protect the soil but does not lead to accumulation of water that may cause the plants to rot.
  • To keep the soil for plants fluffy: Many a time the soil may get hard and prevents the roots of the plants to go deep into the soil. However if you use these sand bags to create a wall you will easily prevent the flattening and hardening of the soil allowing the proper growth of the plants. This type of fluffy soil is highly important for carrots, radish and other veggies that grow under the ground. 
Sand bags
Sand bags

How to use sand bags for gardening?

The sand bags are just cotton or polypropylene bags that have been filled with sand or the soil that belongs to the region. This will prevent the hardening of the soil and also prevent the soil from tearing the bag due to expansion. You can either tie the opening of the bag loosely with a string or just fold it underneath.

The next step would be to keep the bags in a line on the ground along the edge of the garden bed. Now lay two pieces of barbed wire along the length of the bags. After that just put another layer over the barbed wires. 

After you have placed the two rows of bags all over the periphery of the garden bed hand tamp the whole arrangement in place and then plaster over it creating a great wall that is going to help you grow a beautiful garden.

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