Monday, 28 March 2016

Air Conditioning Maintenance, A Habit To Adopt

Different parts of the Air conditioner require regular maintenance for effective and proficient working. The absence of scheduled maintenance will ultimately decrease the efficiency of your unit and gradually increase your electricity bills.

Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning

Maintenance of different parts of your Air conditioner:

  • Air Conditioner Filters: Your Air conditioner filters require a regular maintenance as congested, unclean mesh block the average airflow. It thus reduces the efficiency considerably. Because of blocked filters, the air bypassing them, carry dirt into the evaporator coil. It eventually reduces coil's heat. -Some filters can be reused and others have to be replaced. Air conditioning system's filters should be cleaned every month. They may require frequent cleaning in case of constant use, in houses subjected to more dust and pets.
  • Air Conditioner Coils: The evaporator coil and condenser coil collect dirt which reduces air flow and insulates the coil and hence reduces its capacity to captivate heat. Therefore, make sure to clean evaporator coil every year.
  • Coil Fins: The aluminum fins on evaporator and condenser coils are susceptible to easy bents. It results in blocking the airflow over the coil. "Fin comb" are easily available in the market that can comb fins back into their initial state.
  • Condensate Drains: Drain channels should be periodically cleaned.
  • Window Seals: Make sure to inspect the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame afore summers. In a case of loose seals cool air can escape from your room.
Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning

Maintaining your AC in winters:

Cover the air conditioner or even you can remove and store it when summer ends. The outdoor unit of air conditioner should also be covered to protect them from debris.

Get your air conditioner serviced by a professional:

You should at least once every year get your air conditioner serviced by a trained technician.

See that the professional checks your air conditioner thoroughly.
  • There should be a right quantity of refrigerant.
  • A leak detector should be used to test for any refrigerant leaks.
  • The refrigerant that has to be evacuated from AC should not be released to the atmosphere.
  • In central systems, duct leakage should be checked and properly sealed.
  • There should be proper airflow through an evaporator.
  • Check that the heating system and cooling system are not operating instantaneously.
  • Electric terminals should be properly inspected and connections should be tightened. If needed, non-conductive coating should be applied.
  • Oil motors and belts should be properly checked.
  • The thermostat should be accurate.
How Frequently Your Air Conditioner Requires Service?
The best time would be just before you switch on your Air conditioners, especially in spring before summer starts.

  • Increases the life of your AC. On an average, an air conditioner should live for 10 to 20 years, but some ACs with proper maintenance can last up to 30 years. In the absence of proper maintenance it might not even last for 10 years.
  • It reduces the electricity bills. With proper maintenance, the efficiency of the air conditioner increases hence reduces the electricity bills.
  • In absence of the proper maintenance, the gradual tearing of the system parts may result in break down and hence require repair.
Air Conditioning
Air conditioning

Some more tips for healthy working of your AC

  • The area nearby the outer unit should be free of weeds, dirt, foliage, debris, leaves and twigs.
  • The thermostat should be turned up when ACs are not in use or you are away on a vacation.
  • Indoor air outlets should be free from any obstructions.
  • Don’t wait for the things to get worse, call the technician for of any issue in your air conditioning.



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